Code Of Conduct



- All coaches must demonstrate good sportsmanship and leadership at all times. 

- All coaches must follow established league rules and guidelines while coaching. 

- Physical confrontations of any kind with referees, scorers, players, parents, or opposing coaches will result in immediate disciplinary action from the Board of Directors. 

- Abusive language or actions toward referees, scorers, players, parents, or opposing coaches will result in immediate disciplinary action from the Board of Directors. 

- Any league rule or established guideline infractions will result in review by the Board of Directors. 


- All parents must demonstrate good sportsmanship and good behavior at all times.

- All parents must follow all league rules and guidelines while at games. 

- Any abusive language or actions toward referees, scorers, coaches, players, or other parents will result in immediate site expulsion. Multiple infractions will result in extended site/game expulsion and/or removing your child from the program. 

- Any physical confrontations of any kind with referees, scorers, coaches, players, or other parents will result in immediate expulsion from the site and from any further participation in any program functions. 


- All players must demonstrate good sportsmanship and good behavior at all times. 

- All players must follow all league rules and guidelines while on their respective teams. 

- All players are expected to attend practices and games regularly and agree to inform the head coach in advance if needing to miss practice or a game.

- All players must wear their designated team uniforms while playing in the games. 

- Any abusive language or action toward referees, scorers, coaches, parents, or other players will result in immediate disciplinary action. 

- Any physical confrontations of any kind with referees, scorers, coaches, parents, or other players will result in immediate disciplinary action. 


Feedback and Inquires

Click here to provide feedback or inquiries to the SYB Board of Directors